Covering the entire state of Ohio, we are the experts in producing, handling and applying asphalt emulsions, cutbacks and PG Binders. Our terminals offer around the clock dedication to convenience - we load tar kettles, Asphalt Distributor trucks, or tanker trailers with the industry's most flexible hours.
We also deliver or apply any of the materials we sell. Our customers, from the banks of the Ohio River to the shores of Lake Erie and everywhere in between, routinely tell us we have the best asphalt distributor operators in the state. The facts are, if you dont have an asphalt distributor, or operator, doing their job properly, your liquid isn't doing the job it was engineered to do. And that's a problem, whether its a tack coat, chip seal, prime coat or fog seal.
So often in our industry, the equipment causes problems. We help our customers troubleshoot their distributor problems. "My distributor is corn-rowing". "This hard pen non - tracking tack is clogging my spray tips". "I have to clean my pump screen every day." We've heard it all and we can help.
We pride ourselves on quick response times. Whether it's a simple quote request, or an emergency material delivery 150 miles away or returning a phone call from your accounting department, we're on it. We handle things quickly and professionally, and have many references to prove it. We grow our business through customer service and performance, not sales people.
Listed on our website are some of the things we do often. Our distributor trucks see a wide variety of applications. All in the same day, our operators may be tacking a City street, chip sealing a County Road, priming a berm, applying curing coat on cement stabilization on an interstate or delivering a load of PG 64-22 to a hot mix plant. We are union, and an ODOT Prequalified Contractor.
Our pricing is very reasonable, to the point where its less expensive for many of our small to mid-size contractors to use us for all their applications, rather than have the costs of owning of an asphalt distributor for themselves. Our can - do attitude and flexible scheduling means we'll be there when you need us.